"The human spirit has a primal allegiance to wildness, to really live, to snatch the fruit and suck it, to spill the juice. We may think we are domesticated but we are not. Feral in pheromone and intuition, feral in our sweat and fear.....this is the first command: to live in fealty to the feral angel"
(Jay Griffiths in 'Wild' 2006)......
Sometimes it takes the words of a distant poet echoing across the sands of time to awaken our discontent and shake our complacency out of the doldrums. The impetus to overcome stultifying inertia and seek forward momentum that brings the breeze to our face. That exquisite sensation of movement that casts off the cobwebs, sends the dust and the deleterious weight of everyday grindstone flying in our wake. Read enough books about how others have achieved escape velocity by lightening the load, opting for minimalism and travelling experiences in lieu of being shackled to conspicuous consumerism you will find the courage to test your wild nature wings and the boldness to leap into your dreams of limitless adventure...